Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I believe that in our society we are somewhat very violent. Something that shows that our society is full of violence is by watching the news and seeing videos of a bunch of girls beating the heck out of a girl for the stupidest reasons, like a boyfriend problem or a part in a play.

Yes in the world we take violence very seriously. Examples of how we take violence seriously is the death penalty. This shows that we don't put up for any serious crimes and we make them pay the price. Some people say that they get their "just desserts."

We also use probation, community serivice, jail, public humiliation, and house arrest.

The reason he has a problem shooting Frank is becuase of these serious charges and he doesnt want any of them to happen top him.

As a society, are we too violent? Do we take violence and violent acts seriously? Explain your thoughts using several specific examples. Relate this to why David would not have much trouble shooting Frank.

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