Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Parents defending their children is an on and off situation depending on whether the kid deserves the punishment or doesn't deserve the punishment that is being charged. If the kid is just being and idiot and makes a terrible decision, whether it's braking into a store and stealing something or abusing and illegal substance. This would be a reason when a parent shouldn't defend their child. When this happens the parents should let there kid have to pay the consequences.

When the parents should defend their children is when they are having trouble in school and no one will help that kid. Also if the kid is in trouble for something that they didn't do the parents should be there to help them out.

should parents defend their children no matter what? Should Frank have anyone on his side?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I believe that in our society we are somewhat very violent. Something that shows that our society is full of violence is by watching the news and seeing videos of a bunch of girls beating the heck out of a girl for the stupidest reasons, like a boyfriend problem or a part in a play.

Yes in the world we take violence very seriously. Examples of how we take violence seriously is the death penalty. This shows that we don't put up for any serious crimes and we make them pay the price. Some people say that they get their "just desserts."

We also use probation, community serivice, jail, public humiliation, and house arrest.

The reason he has a problem shooting Frank is becuase of these serious charges and he doesnt want any of them to happen top him.

As a society, are we too violent? Do we take violence and violent acts seriously? Explain your thoughts using several specific examples. Relate this to why David would not have much trouble shooting Frank.

Monday, October 6, 2008


In my family being a guy means that you're expected to have to do all the work for the women. My role in the family is it take the trash out, wash the dishes, vacuum sometimes, keep my room clean, take care of my sister, bring the laundry down stairs, wash it sometimes, when needed i will help my dad with all the labor work, and feed the cats.

My Dad's expectations are to work and bring money home, cut the lawn, do the bills, and all the labor work outside. He also cooks for the family almost every night. Without him my family would have to step up everything.

My mom washes the clothes helps with the cooking sometimes, vacuums sometimes, helps my sister with her homework, and works to bring money home.

My sister does nothing in my family except for doing her homework cleaning up her mess.

I hate this about my family. All the guys have to do everything when the women just sit there and do their very little bit of work. I want less work in my life and more work for the women.

How do gender roles impact your life? In other words, what is expected of you as either a male or female? What would you like to see changed?