Monday, September 29, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008


If u were to betray someone you would need to have a good reason to do such a thing. An example of this would be if one of ur friends were planning to rob a store or pick a fight with someone you would probably want to report, and betray hem before t0ey get caught and.

Another reason why betraying someone in a family matter would be if one of your family members are abusing you it would probably be better if u report them, or betray them so that the parental gurdian couldn't hurt you anymore.

When, if ever, is it acceptable to betray someone? Consider your friends and family. Would you ever betray their trust over something? Have you ever been betrayed? Explain your feelings on the subject.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Most people have very good expectations for me. A lot of people think I can do a lot more then I do. But, I just choose not to push myself that far. A lot of people think that I am a very funny guy so when they choose to hang out with me they know that they're going to laugh. My teachers expectations for me are to be able to pass and maybe move into a smarter english.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Justice to me is when someone is seen guilty but is then proven innocent. This takes place in many different places. It mostly know in the court of law but, believe it or not it can be found in any house or actually anywhere in the world.

I have be given justice when my parents told me that i was guilty for braking my parents tv when instead it was my sister